It was an inside joke among my IIM batchmates that if you stayed in an organization long enough to earn gratuity, you were either unemployable elsewhere or you had mentally retired.
– Ashneer Grover


One comment about this quote

  • unknown

    This quote by Ashneer Grover reflects a satirical take on the notion of earning gratuity in an organization. Gratuity is a monetary benefit provided to employees in India after completing a certain period of service with an organization, typically five years or more.

    Grover’s statement suggests that among his peers at the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), there was a humorous observation about individuals who remained in an organization solely to accrue gratuity. He implies two possible scenarios:

    Unemployability: The notion that if someone stays in an organization long enough to qualify for gratuity, it might be because they are considered “unemployable” elsewhere. This could humorously imply that their skills or relevance in the job market have diminished, leading them to stay in their current position simply to reach the gratuity milestone.

    Mental Retirement: Another interpretation of the statement is that individuals who stay in an organization for the sole purpose of earning gratuity might have mentally retired, meaning they may have lost their motivation, drive, or interest in pursuing new opportunities or challenges. It’s a humorous way of suggesting that their mindset or approach to work has shifted toward a state of retirement even though they are still formally employed.

    Overall, this quote from Grover seems to playfully mock the idea of sticking around in a job just for the sake of receiving gratuity, highlighting the perceptions or stereotypes associated with long-term tenure in an organization within certain social circles, especially among IIM graduates or the broader professional community in India.


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