Look at a stone cutter hitting at the rock. Nothing happens at first, but after many strikes, the rocks eventually cracks. In life, don’t doubt. Keep at it and it will happen.


2 comments about this quote

  • Hedjera

    Kindly give me an explanation in life about the stone cutter.Thanks

  • admin

    This quote is a metaphor that suggests that success in life is not achieved immediately but through perseverance and consistent effort over time. The stone cutter striking the rock many times represents the hard work, patience, and persistence needed to achieve a goal.

    At first, the stone cutter’s efforts may not seem to have any effect on the rock, but eventually, after many strikes, the rock cracks, and success is achieved. Similarly, in life, it can be challenging to see progress or results when working towards a goal. It can be easy to become discouraged and doubt oneself.

    However, the quote reminds us not to give up or doubt our abilities, but to keep working towards our goals with perseverance and consistency. Success may not come quickly or easily, but with time and effort, it will eventually happen.

    The message behind this quote is to keep working hard, even when it seems like progress is slow or non-existent, and to trust that eventually, the desired outcome will be achieved.


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