Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
– Barry Switzer


One comment about this quote

  • justin

    It means he was born with an advantage, but believes that his success is solely based upon his talent. In baseball, a triple is when the batter hit a ball and successfully ran to first base, second base, and third base before the ball was returned to the pitcher. It’s considered a good score because when the next batter bits the ball, he only needs to run to the home plate to make a score.

    A person who was born on third base never had to successfully hit the ball and run the first two bases to get to third.

    Therefore he did not have to work as hard to be in the same place as someone who had to Either be lucky enough to hit the ball and also have 3 other batter hit the ball or be able run three bases before the ball was thrown to the pitcher.

    It means that he attributes his success to his skill when it was actually luck.


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