Unfair Life Quotes, Sayings about Facing Life’s Injustices

I moaned because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.


Life is not fair, we will never understand it, and not all questions will be answered, but we should appreciate the things and people we have and have had in our lives as nothing is forever.


Life isn’t fair. It’s just fairer than death, that’s all.
– William Goldman, “The Princess Bride”


Life is usually unfair to the good hearts.


When life is shit, turn the music up.


Dear life, I understand very clearly that you are not fair so you can stop teaching me that lesson.


Life is unfair as people say. But the truth is… Life is fair, people just don’t see the essence of it because they refuse to see it..


Life is not fair, get used to it.


It always rains the hardest on people who deserve the sun.


Life is not fair – get used to it!
– Bill Gates


Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.
– Oscar Wilde


You have to live through the worst parts of life so you never take the best parts for granted.


It’s not fair that I cry myself to sleep, and you don’t even know, you’re the one who made me this weak.


Life can be unfair sometimes, but that’s no reason to give up on it.


The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity.
– George Carlin


Life is indeed unfair. There are times when I’d stare at the sky at night and wonder why you are my entire universe when I’m not even a little star in yours.


One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. It’s not and it won’t. When we make this mistake we tend to spend a lot of time wallowing and/or complaining about what’s wrong with life. “It’s not fair,” we complain, not realizing that, perhaps, it was never intended to be.
– Richard Carlson


Life is unfair but remember sometimes it is unfair in your favor.
– Peter Ustinov


People say “Life is unfair” but truth is.. They are just too stubborn to accept what life gives them.


Sometimes, life is unfair, and you have to suck it up and move on and not use it as an excuse.
– Robert Kraft


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