Friendship Quotes | Capturing the Essence of True Friends - Page 20

A friend is a friend that knows what being a friend means.


A friend is someone you share the path with.
– African Proverb,


Friends are like the blood in your body… You will always need them to surive.


A close friend can become a close enemy.
– African Proverb


Friends are like the wind – cool and comforting.


Only people with friends believe that everyone has friends.


Friend is like a wine, the longer it takes the swetter its taste!!!(*)


Friendship is an unquestionable commitment that requires so much patience and sacrifices.


Fake friends are like shadow they follow you in the sun and leave in the dark.


The more time we spend interconnected via a myriad of devices, the less time we have left to develop true friendships in the real world.
– Alex Morritt


Best friends means fighting over a bad of chips and in the end, not saying “Sorry”, but: “HA! I win loser!”


With friends like you who needs enemies?


We may meet different people everyday but there is only few people that we can really share our happiness, sadness, deepest thoughts and secrets. They are the ones that we can really call friends.


Friends are like your own personal cheerleaders. They cheer you on through the good and bad times.


Be friends with people you REALLY want to be friends with..! NOT who people tell you to be friends with! Trust me I learned the hard way.


I had a great friend she was always there for me, until I got asked out by her crush. And I said yes. I miss her, she was there for me when I had my first heart break, she was there for my first time asking out a guy, she was there when I needed some to talk to. And this is how I paid her back I feel stupid I did the wrong thing I knew it would hurt her but I was stupid enough to do it.


You can have more than one friend…but there is only one true friend you can count on.


Friendship with no trust is like a car with no gas you can stay in it as long as you won’t but it won’t go anywhere.


Dreams do come true,cause everytime im with you I feel like I can fly


A true friend will never desert you.


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