Brad Pitt Quotes

No more excuses. I’m responsible for my mistakes and my choices.
– Brad Pitt

America is not a country, it’s a business.
– Brad Pitt

Happiness is overrated. Satisfied, at peace-those would be more realistic goals.
– Brad Pitt

A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss… That’s the trade-off. But I’ll take it all.
– Brad Pitt

There’s no right. There’s no wrong. There’s only popular opinion.
– Brad Pitt

With age comes wisdom and I have said it before and I say it again, I will take wisdom over youth any day.
– Brad Pitt

The woman is the reflection of her man.
– Brad Pitt

There’s nothing more life-changing than fatherhood.
– Brad Pitt

Each misstep leads to the next correct step.
– Brad Pitt

Happiness is overrated. There has to be conflict in life.
– Brad Pitt

You don’t really get to choose who you fall in love with. Love chooses you.
– Brad Pitt

Actions speak louder than words, and it’s no more true than with your kids.
– Brad Pitt

Without pain and suffering, we would be nothing.
– Brad Pitt

Once you get older, you get a little closer to yourself, intimate.
– Brad Pitt

Being married means I can break wind and eat ice cream in bed.
– Brad Pitt

Do you know how you tell real love? It’s when someone else’s interest trumps your own.
– Brad Pitt

Success is a beast. And it actually puts the emphasis on the wrong thing. You get away with more instead of looking within.
– Brad Pitt

You are not the car you drive.
– Brad Pitt

Seeing the world is the best education you can get. You see sorrow, and you also see great spirit and will to survive.
– Brad Pitt

There’s peace in understanding that I have only one life, here and now, and I’m responsible.
– Brad Pitt

The latitude and longitudinal lines of where you are born determine your opportunity in life, and it’s not equal. We may have been created equal, but we’re not born equal. It’s a lot to do with luck and you have to pass that on.
– Brad Pitt

Don’t make choices because somebody else is telling you it’s good from a career maintenance perspective.
– Brad Pitt

The things you own end up owning you.
– Brad Pitt

Embrace the messiness of life.
– Brad Pitt

You make your day. You make your life.
– Brad Pitt

I have a hard time with morals. All I know is what feels right, what’s more important to me is being honest about who you are. Morals I get a little hung up on.
– Brad Pitt

Stop being perfect, because obsessing over being perfect stops you from growing.
– Brad Pitt

You don’t know someone until you know what they want.
– Brad Pitt

You make yourself what you are. You have control of your own destiny.
– Brad Pitt

You must lose everything in order to gain anything.
– Brad Pitt

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