Kim Jong-un Quotes

There can be neither today without yesterday nor tomorrow without today.
– Kim Jong-un


Want to know what’s more destructive than a nuclear bomb? Words.
– Kim Jong-un


Science and technology are a propellant for building a thriving country, and the happiness of the people and the future of the country hinge on their development.
– Kim Jong-un


The industrial revolution in the new century is, in essence, a scientific and technological revolution, and breaking through the cutting edge is a shortcut to the building of an economic giant.
– Kim Jong-un


The revolution is carried out by means of one’s thought.
– Kim Jong-un


Construction is an important front for solidifying the foundations of a thriving country and creating bases for the people’s happy life.
– Kim Jong-un


Sports play a very important role in consolidating the national strength, adding lustre to the country’s prestige and honour, inspiring people with national dignity and pride, and imbuing the whole society with revolutionary mettle.
– Kim Jong-un


Patriotism is not an abstract concept. It begins from one’s own home. It buds out from the love for one’s parents, spouses and children, the love for one’s own home, village and workplace, and further develops into the love for one’s country and fellow people.
– Kim Jong-un


It is a proud tradition and fighting trait of our army and people to rise up like mountains and go through fire and water to unfailingly carry through the party’s orders and instructions
– Kim Jong-un


Those who do not cherish affection for their parents, spouses and children and for their homes, villages and workplaces cannot love their country and fellow people; they can never become genuine patriots.
– Kim Jong-un


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