Margaret Mead Quotes

Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.
– Margaret Mead


Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.
– Margaret Mead


We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.
– Margaret Mead


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
– Margaret Mead


I was wise enough never to grow up, while fooling people into believing I had.
– Margaret Mead


Having someone wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night is a very old human need.
– Margaret Mead


Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.
– Margaret Mead


Sooner or later I’m going to die, but I’m not going to retire.
– Margaret Mead


You know you love someone when you cannot put into words how they make you feel.
– Margaret Mead


I learned the value of hard work by working hard.
– Margaret Mead


Laughter is man’s most distinctive emotional expression.
– Margaret Mead


Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man.
– Margaret Mead


Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful.
– Margaret Mead


An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift.
– Margaret Mead


It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age.
– Margaret Mead


As I give, I get.
– Margaret Mead


Jealousy is not a barometer by which the depth of love can be read, it merely records the degree of the lover’s insecurity.
– Margaret Mead


Young people are moving away from feeling guilty about sleeping with somebody to feeling guilty if they are NOT sleeping with someone.
– Margaret Mead


It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet.
– Margaret Mead


Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals.
– Margaret Mead


Throughout history, females have picked providers for mates. Males pick anything.
– Margaret Mead


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