It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple. – Rabindranath Tagore
Music fills the infinite between two souls. – Rabindranath Tagore
Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance. – Rabindranath Tagore
If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. – Rabindranath Tagore
Beauty is simply reality seen with the eyes of love. – Rabindranath Tagore
Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. – Rabindranath Tagore
Patriotism cannot be our final spiritual shelter; my refuge is humanity. I will not buy glass for the price of diamonds, and I will never allow patriotism to triumph over humanity as long as I live. – Rabindranath Tagore
A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. – Rabindranath Tagore
Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven. – Rabindranath Tagore
By plucking her petals, You do not gather the beauty of the flower. – Rabindranath Tagore
Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. – Rabindranath Tagore
Death is not extinguishing the light,it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. – Rabindranath Tagore
Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it. – Rabindranath Tagore
Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for she was born in another time. – Rabindranath Tagore
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. – Rabindranath Tagore
Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom. – Rabindranath Tagore
The biggest changes in a women’s nature are brought by love; in man, by ambition. – Rabindranath Tagore
We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. – Rabindranath Tagore
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. – Rabindranath Tagore
You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. – Rabindranath Tagore
Do not say,it is morning, and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name. – Rabindranath Tagore
In art, man reveals himself and not his objects. – Rabindranath Tagore
There is no “next” after you are dead and gone from your own world. – Rabindranath Tagore
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