Equality Quotes | Sayings Inspiring Social Justice - Page 3

There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.
– Friedrich August Hayek


Equality consists in the same treatment of similar persons.
– Aristotle


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
– George Orwell


All the people like us are We, And everyone else is They.
– Rudyard Kipling


Equality and freedom are not luxuries to lightly cast aside. Without them, order cannot long endure before approaching depths beyond imagining.
– Alan Moore


One of the things about equality is not just that you be treated equally to man, but that you treat yourself equally the way you treat a man.
– Marlo Thomas


All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with a mighty urge to become otherwise.
– Evan Esar


The demand for equal rights in every vocation of life is just and fair; but, after all, the most vital right is the right to love and be loved.
– Emma Goldman


Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
– Kahlil Gibran


As long as we can see the same sky, breathe the same air, step on the same planet then you and I are not impossible.


When you belong to a minority, you have to be better in order to have the right to be equal.


Inequality of outcome can only be accepted when there is an equality of opportunity.


If we don’t change our direction we’re likely to end up where we’re headed.


Democracy arose from men’s thinking that if they are equal in any respect, they are equal absolutely.
– Aristotle


Men of quality support gender equality.


Equal distribution of wealth does not mean we all should be millionaires – it only means no one should die of hunger.
– Dodinsky


You just wish sometimes that people would treat you like a human being rather than seeing your gender first and who you are second.
– Frances OGrady


All the citizens of a state cannot be equally powerful, but they may be equally free.
– Voltaire


You can be a woman who wants to look good and still stand up for the equality of women. There’s no uniform for feminism; you are a feminist exactly the way you are.
– Meghan Markle


The longer we live, the more we find we are like other persons.
– Oliver Wendell Holmes


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