Feminism Quotes | Sayings on Gender Equality

Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, a lady with class.
– Rihanna

Women make up one half of society. Our society will remain backward and in chains unless its women are liberated, enlightened and educated.
– Saddam Hussein

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
– Gloria Steinem

No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body.
– Margaret Sanger

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
– Timothy Leary

When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a b*tch.

The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.
– Roseanne Barr

When girls are given the right tools to succeed, they can create incredible futures, not only for themselves but also for those around them.
– Meghan Markle

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.
– Margaret Atwood

Women are always saying, “We can do anything that men can do.” But Men should be saying, “We can do anything that women can do.”
– Gloria Steinem

I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard…we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.
– Malala Yousafzai

We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons… but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.
– Gloria Steinem

I’m still the same person that I am, and I’ve never defined myself by my relationship.
– Meghan Markle

All men should be feminists. If men care about women’s rights, the world will be a better place. We are better off when women are empowered.
– John Legend

I think the golden rule for men should be: If you’re a man, don’t say anything to a woman on the street that you wouldn’t want a man saying to you in prison.
– Peter White

If you’re a strong man, you shouldn’t feel threatened by strong women.
– Barack Obama

She was free in her wildness. She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.
– Roman Payne

As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking.
– Virginia Woolf

Female inferiority is internalised by us. Women need a lot more confidence.
– Gloria Steinem

I hate men who are afraid of women’s strength.
– Anaïs Nin

Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.
– G.D. Anderson

A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.
– Gloria Steinem

To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation – is that good for the world?
– Christopher Hitchens

Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It’s about making life more fair for women everywhere. It’s not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It’s about baking a new pie.
– Gloria Steinem

Women make up more than half of the world’s population and potential, so it is neither just nor practical for their voices, for our voices, to go unheard at the highest levels of decision-making. The way that we change that, in my opinion, is to mobilize girls and women to see their value as leaders, and to support them in these efforts.
– Meghan Markle

I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.
– Jane Austen

Feminism isn’t about hating men. It’s about challenging the absurd gender distinctions that boys and girls learn from childhood and carry into their adult lives.
– Robert Webb

When women say they want independence, people think this means we don’t want to obey our fathers, brothers or husbands. But it does not mean that. It means we want to make decisions for ourselves. We want to be free to go to school or to go to work.
– Malala Yousafzai

Do not live someone else’s life and someone else’s idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you.
– Viola Davis

Women belong in the house… and the Senate.

I think every woman in our culture is a feminist. They may refuse to articulate it, but if you were to take any woman back 40 years and say, “Is this a world you want to live in?” They would say, “No.”
– Helen Mirren

Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex.
– Karl Marx

I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as your sons.
– Barack Obama

Women who have understood fashion and style for so long have always known it’s not about having more pieces. It’s about having the right pieces and having the pieces that are of a great quality and look like you know what you’re doing. You don’t have to have a million things on.
– Meghan Markle

Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.
– Cheris Kramarae

Men of quality support gender equality.

You can be a woman who wants to look good and still stand up for the equality of women. There’s no uniform for feminism; you are a feminist exactly the way you are.
– Meghan Markle

To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality.
– Indira Gandhi

Any woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat her as something of a dirty joke… She will need her sisterhood.
– Gloria Steinem

You don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman.
– Jane Galvin Lewis

It’s not my responsibility to be beautiful. I’m not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me.
– Warsan Shire

We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.
– Malala Yousafzai

Feminazi? Right. Because wanting your gender to be treated like human beings is just like invading Poland.

Women belong in all places where decisions are being made…it shouldn’t be that women are the exception.
– Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I believe in gender equality. Being a feminist is for both women and men. I am a feminist.
– Matt McGorry

We won’t unlock opportunities for young women and girls unless we can change the mindset of every family and community. To achieve this, it cannot just be women who speak up for girls.
– Prince Harry of Wales

No, you can’t deny women their basic rights and pretend it’s about your “religious freedom”. If you don’t like birth control, don’t use it. Religious freedom doesn’t mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs.
– Barack Obama

For me, as a feminist, I would say it should be up to the woman to decide if she wants to be a mom… If she wants to go out and work, have a career other than being a mom, then she should be able to do that as well.
– Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating.
– Andrea Dworkin

I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.
– Madonna

To tell a woman everything she may not do is to tell her what she can do.
– Spanish Proverb

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.
– Rebecca West

If any female feels she need anything beyond herself to legitimate and validate her existence, she is already giving away her power to be self-defining, her agency.
– Bell Hooks

As soon as a woman gets to an age where she has opinions and she’s vital and she’s strong, she’s systematically shamed into hiding under a rock.
– Sarah Silverman

Fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.
– Emma Watson

Feminism is not about girl power. It is about equal power.
– Whitney Wolfe

Feminism is equality: politically; culturally; socially; economically. That’s it, that simple.
– Emma Watson

Feminism was about making women’s lives less constrained and giving them more choices.
– Hanna Rosin

Feminism means to me being comfortable with who you are as a woman and being unapologetic about it.
– Charissa Thompson

Feminism is not just about women; it’s about letting all people lead fuller lives.
– Jane Fonda

I’ve never wanted to be a lady who lunches; I’ve always wanted to be a woman who works.
– Meghan Markle

I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home or anywhere you go is just knowing your value.
– Meghan Markle

Feminism is the ability to choose what you want to do.
– Nancy Reagan

Every girl has potential. She has promise. She has the right to learn, the right to be heard, the right to play, and to discover. The right to be exactly who she is.
– Meghan Markle

Women who had the strength to really stand up for something that they knew needed to be done is the best example of no matter how small you might feel, how low you may feel on the ladder or the totem pole, no matter what color you are, no matter what gender you are, you have a voice and you certainly have the right to speak up for what is right.
– Meghan Markle

Everyone should be afforded the opportunity to receive the education they want, but more importantly, the education they have the right to receive. And for women and girls in developing countries, this is vital.
– Meghan Markle

Feminism is being able to have the choice – the choice to be a CEO, to be an executive, to be a journalist, to be a congresswoman, to be a mother, a stay-at-home mother, to be a wife.
– Stacey Dash

Feminism is something you do. It’s a verb. It’s what you are. It’s an activity; it’s something you’re actively engaged in.
– Kathleen Hanna

Women’s suffrage is about feminism, but feminism is about fairness.
– Meghan Markle

Feminism loves men enough to expect them to act more honorably and actually believes them capable of doing so.
– Michael S. Kimmel

Have a power piece in your wardrobe. If it’s the one dress that makes you feel so badass, or the one crisp button-down – whatever it is so that when you wake up on those days where you’re not really feeling going into work, you put that piece on and it’s almost like your own anthem. It can really shift the energy of your whole day.
– Meghan Markle

You need to know that you’re enough-a mantra that has now ingrained itself so deeply within me that not a day goes by without hearing it chime in my head. That five pounds lost won’t make you happier, that more makeup won’t make you prettier, that the now iconic saying from Jerry Maguire, ‘You complete me,’ frankly, isn’t true. You are complete with or without a partner. You are enough just as you are.
– Meghan Markle

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