Quotes about feelings | Sayings on Sensitivity, Empathy

I’m a very simple person who hides thousands of feelings behind a smile.

It’s a shame when the things that are on your mind and in your heart never reach your lips.

The heart can see what is invisible to the eye.

Never play with the feelings of others, because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.
– William Shakespeare

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally.
– Oscar Wilde

Sometimes no matter how much you try to speak your heart out, words are not just enough to describe how you truly feel.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
– Helen Keller

Respect other people’s feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.
– Roy Bennett

Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.

To hide feelings when you are near crying is the secret of dignity.
– Dejan Stojanovic

Nobody knows what you feel inside.

You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.
– Johnny Depp

Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf.

Sometimes we survive by forgetting.

I wish my feelings had a delete button.

Nobody can understand what you’re feeling unless they burn the way you burned.
– Rihanna

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you do, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
– Jason Barger

It’s not about what you didn’t feel, it’s about what you didn’t show.

Excuses change nothing, but make everyone feel better.

– Mason Cooley

I pay no attention whatever to anybody’s praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Never let your feelings get in the way of seeing things as they truly are.

Thoughts and feelings change sometimes, as one crosses the frontiers.

I usually know almost exactly how I feel. The problem is, I just can’t tell anyone.
– Meg Cabot

Feelings are like the tides in the ocean developed by the gravitational force of the beautiful moon in your heart.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots.
– Elizabeth Gilbert

The worst battle you have to fight is between what you know and what you feel.
– Turcois Ominek

Too often, feelings arrive too soon, waiting for thoughts that often come too late.
– Dejan Stojanovic

People will never forget how you made them feel.
– Maya Angelou

But feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.
– Anne Frank

Don’t allow your mind to tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily.
– Paulo Coelho

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Feelings are never stupid, they just make us feel stupid sometimes.
– Laurell K. Hamilton

If you don’t feel it, flee from it. Go where you are celebrated, not merely tolerated.
– Paul F. Davis

No one knows how another person feels in private.
– Whitney Otto

Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world.
– Dejan Stojanovic

Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final
– Rainer Maria Rilke

The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.
– Sydney J. Harris

The universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with.
– Paulo Coelho

The best way to understand others is understanding their feelings and knowing what they go through every single day.

People who keep their feelings to themselves tend not to know, after a while, what their feelings are.
– Paul Berman

Who ever has no fixed opinions has no constant feelings.
– Joseph Joubert

Never apologise for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologise for the truth.
– Edmund Burke

Feelings could override facts, as facts could alter feelings. Choose the truth first, rather than following after feelings.
– Anthony Liccione

There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music.
– George Eliot

One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels.
– Gustave Flaubert

Feelings are never permanent. Maybe you love that person today. Maybe you will hate that person tomorrow. You can never tell how much a person means to you unless that person is gone. Remember: the end justifies the means. So take care of the people who love you so much.

Feelings: the more you hide it, the more it grows deeper.

The act of speaking out makes you alone.
– Ravish Kumar

Her happiness floated like waves of ocean along the coast of her life. She found lyrics of her life in his arms but she never sung her song.
– Santosh Kalwar

There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison.
– Jane Austen

It’s probably the worst feeling in the world, when you’re deeply and madly in love with a woman and you know she’s not feeling you the same way, and you don’t know why.
– Bruno Mars

The only way you can reach your full potential is if you open up and allow your self to be exposed to how you really feel.
– Turcois Ominek

Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious; it involves not only our thinking, but also our feeling
– Valdemar W. Setzer

Some of you may feel that you are not as attractive and beautiful and glamorous as you would like to be. Rise above any such feelings, cultivate the light you have within you, and it will shine through as a radiant expression that will be seen by others. You need never feel inferior. You need never feel that you were born without talents or without opportunities to give them expression. Cultivate whatever talents you have, and they will grow anŠ² refine and become an expression of your true self appreciated by others.
– Gordon B. Hinckley

We cultivate our feelings the way we cultivate a garden: we can’t entirely prevent weeds from coming up, but we can take care to remove them before they do much harm.
– Phillip Cary

The police feel that most of the public are against them and that there is a lot of bad feeling.
– Peter James

This is one of those times when explaining a feeling cannot measure up to actually having the feeling.
– Adriana Trigiani

I did not like this feeling of having feelings.
– Jeff Lindsay

The interior joy we feel when we have done a good deed is the nourishment the soul requires.
– Albert Schweitzer

Feelings do not grow old along with the body. Feelings form part of a world I don’t know, but it’s a world where there’s no time, so space, no frontiers.
– Paulo Coelho

The uncertainty of certain feelings is the best way to break them.
– Yannick Heywang

Is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels?
– Leo Tolstoy

But smiles and tears are so alike with me, they are neither of them confined to any particular feelings: I often cry when I am happy, and smile when I am sad.
– Anne Bronte

Real elation is when you feel you could touch a star without standing on tiptoe.
– Doug Larson

You can’t run from feelings, Charity. You have to face them. Otherwise your future will look just like your past.
– Elizabeth Jane Howard

A feeling is no longer the same when it comes the second time. It dies through the awareness of its return. We become tired and weary of our feelings when they come too often and last too long.
– Pascal Mercier

That’s why people listen to music or look at paintings. To get in touch with that wholeness.
– Corita Kent

That was one of the saddest things about people- – their most important thoughts and feelings often went unspoken and barely understood.
– Alexandra Adornetto

Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions.
– David Borenstein

But the absence of tears wasn’t the same as an absence of feeling.
– Lisa Kleypas

When I write, I make discoveries about my feelings.
– Gail Carson Levine

Any belief that cannot be defended by logic, proof or evidence is protected by hurting feelings and if needed expressed by violence.
– Javed Akhtar

There is a boundary to men’s passions when they act from feelings; but none when they are under the influence of imagination.
– Edmund Burke

Whatever you do, you should do it with feeling.
– Yogi Berra

Our truest feelings are revealed in our weakest moments.

Pardon the hurt others have caused you. What they did is past. What is bothering today are your current feelings that comes from this load. Let it go.
– Chetan Bhagat

It’s often just enough to be with someone. I don’t need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You’re not alone.
– Marilyn Monroe

Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.
– John Wooden

The way to free your feelings is to simply feel them.
– Shaeri Richards

It was a strange, wonderful feeling. To discover eyes upon you when you expected no one to notice you at all.
– Rita Williams-Garcia

Guilty feelings about clothes are totally unnecessary. A lot of people earn their living by making clothes, so you should never feel bad.
– Karl Lagerfeld

But you know Hajime, some feelings cause us pain because they remain.
– Haruki Murakami

It’s not sissy to show your feeling.
– Princess Diana

When a man is able to connect with his feelings, he is able to care more.
– Warren Farrell

We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict.
– Jim Morrison

The way I choose to show my feelings is through my songs.
– Marianne Faithfull

It is our feelings that guide us and they can never lead us wrong.
– Jude Morgan

Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel.
– T.S. Eliot

Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.
– James Russell Lowell

I feel too much. That’s what’s going on.’ ‘Do you think one can feel too much? Or just feel in the wrong ways?’ ‘My insides don’t match up with my outsides.’ ‘Do anyone’s insides and outsides match up?’ ‘I don’t know. I’m only me.’ ‘Maybe that’s what a person’s personality is: the difference between the inside and outside.’ ‘But it’s worse for me.’ ‘I wonder if everyone thinks it’s worse for him.’ ‘Probably. But it really is worse for me.
– Jonathan Safran Foer

I explained to him, however, that my nature was such that my physical needs often got in the way of my feelings.
– Albert Camus

I don’t possess these thoughts I have – they possess me. I don’t possess these feelings I have – They obsess me.
– Ashly Lorenzana

Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world.
– Che Guevara

The ludicrous element in our feeling does not make them any less authentic.
– Milan Kundera

It’s easier to whisper your feelings than to trumpet them forth out loud.
– Anne Frank

Having their feelings make sense is how people get their kicks.
– Mark Vonnegut

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