Jealousy Quotes | Sayings about Envy | Jealousy Unmasked - Page 4

I get jealous every time someone else hugs you, because for a second, they are holding my world.


Haters are secret admirers.


You know you’re awesome when people you don’t even know hate you.


People lie, things change, boyfriends cheat, friends ditch and there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.


Whatever you do, if you are successful, do not let the haters cut you. When you start bleeding, there will be hungry wolves out to come get you and will attempt to take your true talent.


Dismissing another’s achievement is an ideal strategy for excusing your own failure.
– Alan Robert Neal


Nothing brings on jealousy like laughter.
– Françoise Sagan


A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy. Its always nice to know someones afraid to lose you.


Jealousy only eats up your beauty. Have more faith in yourself, you got something that other people don’t.


People call it “jealousy” I call it “fear of losing you”.


Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.


If you pay too much attention to hate, they win…they bring you down. Too much love in the world to deal with that nonsense. Be positive.
– Justin Bieber


Understand: people will constantly attack you in life. One of their main weapons will be to instill in you doubts about yourself – your worth, your abilities, your potential. They will often disguise this as their objective opinion, but invariably…they want to keep you down.
– Robert Greene


If you have to make somebody else look bad to make yourself look good. Then maybe you’re the problem.


Don’t mess with someone else’s relationship just because you can’t get one.


People will wish you all the success in the world, and then they hate you when you get it.


The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
– William Penn


Jealousy is indeed a poor medium to secure love, but it is a secure medium to destroy one’s self- respect.
– Emma Goldman


If you don’t like me, why do you waste your time making fun of me?


Sometimes you need to let people feel important by disliking you. It’s their little happiness.
– Shah Rukh Khan


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