Hate Quotes | Sayings about Hatred, Animosity, Resentment

Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. It’s their fear, their jealously, their boredom, and their insecurity.

Love me or hate me I’m still gonna shine.

I became so religious so that I could pray for you to burn in hell.

Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
– Will Smith

I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.
– W.C. Fields

Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you.

You can never find rest until you learn to finally let go of the hatred and hurt that lives in you heart.

I hate when people say they hate someone, then they go and hangout with them.

Hate me for the right reasons, I will respect you.

Don’t let the haters get to your head. They are just so insecure they need to take it out on you.

Life is too short to spend hating someone.

Haters are secret admirers.

Let them hate, just make sure they spell your name right.
– Harvey Specter

People will hate on you because you got something they want.

There will always be haters. And the more you grow the more they hate; the more they hate the more you grow.
– Anthony Liccione

Should I hate you because you hurt me? Or should I love you because you made me feel special?

I hate it when I look horrible in a group photo and the person who looks good refuses to delete it.

Even if you don’t like me, the color of my blood will be red and even if you hate me, the color of our blood will be red.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

To hate is to show you still care, who needs that, focus on what’s really important.
– Henry Rollins

There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed.
– Gautama Buddha

They hate me, they rate me, simply because they ain’t me.

Being attacked is a sign that you are important enough to be a target. You should relish the attention and the chance to prove yourself.
– Robert Greene

There’s always a person that you hated for no reason.

Isn’t hate merely the result of wounded love?
– Amy Tan

Don’t try to win over the haters; you are not a jackass whisperer.
– Brene Brown

Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable.
– Cristiano Ronaldo

You can have as many friends that money can buy, but I’ll still hate you for free.

In time we hate that which we often fear.
– William Shakespeare

Hate less, live longer.
– Terri Guillemets

Hate comes from intimidation. Love comes from appreciation.

Oh love and hate are two sides of the same blade.
– Jacqueline Carey

You can’t have everything in life and also you can’t hate everyone, one day you will need something you don’t have from someone you don’t like.

Do not hate anybody, because that hatred which comes out from you must, in the long run, come back to you, if you love, that love will come back to you, completing the circle.
– Swami Vivekananda

Hate isn’t healthy, it damages the hater more than the one who’s hated!
– Eric Jerome Dickey

As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.
– George Harrison

Haters are those, that never were given any chances, that blew their chances, or that never took the chance.
– Anthony Liccione

Hatred is blind, as well as love.
– Oscar Wilde

Haters are a drop in the ocean. There’s that much more love.
– Aishwarya Rai

Wherever love is blind, hatred can’t see.
– Toba Beta

Loving is so easy as this is in your core, this is who you are. Hate is very foreign and it is very damaging to the person who does it.
– Anandmurti Gurumaa

You can’t hate someone until you know what it might be like to love them.
– Jodi Picoult

Hating people is like throwing stones at the tree which can’t give you any fruit.

They secretly hate me, and I openly don’t care.
– Ron Malhotra

What doesn’t kill you disappoints me.

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.
– Hermann Hesse

If you learn to hate one or two persons… you’ll soon hate millions of people.
– Jerry Spinelli

Hate leaves ugly scars, love leaves beautiful ones.
– Mignon McLaughlin

The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less. – Eldridge Cleaver

If you want to live desperate, fall in love and if you want to live separate, fall in hate.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Haters hate you and rate you simply because they ain’t you.

I don’t hate anyone. The only people I know well enough to hate, I love.
– Robert Brault

People who are filled with hate don’t know how to handle love.
– P.C. Cast

If people would love with the intensity they use to hate, the world would be a better place.

Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.
– Henry Emerson Fosdick

Hate is misguided love.

Fear, anger, and hatred essentially come from a lack of perspective as to what life is all about.
– Sadhguru

Hatred is public and shameless demonstration of inferiority complex.
– Paulo Coelho

Hate is a bottomless cup; I will pour and pour.
– Euripides

We hate some persons because we do not know them; and will not know them because we hate them.
– Charles Caleb Colton

Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.
– Eric Hoffer

Love, when you get fear in it, it’s not love any more. It’s hate.
– James M. Cain

They will never love where they ought to love, who do not hate where they ought to hate.
– Edmund Burke

If you hate your lot but wouldn’t trade it, it’s not your lot you hate.
– Mignon McLaughlin

The sense of having enemies or doubters can serve as a powerful motivating device and fill you with an added creative energy and focus.
– Robert Greene

Love is a sensation – hatred an opinion.
– Alan Robert Neal

When we don’t know who to hate, we hate ourselves.
– Chuck Palahniuk

People hate as they love, unreasonably.
– William Makepeace Thackeray

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
– Nelson Mandela

All men kill the thing they hate, too, unless, of course, it kills them first.
– James Thurber

Don’t doubt yourself, that’s what haters are for.
– Turcois Ominek

Fear, hatred, and suspicion narrow your mind- compassion opens it.
– Dalai Lama

Hate is a lack of imagination.
– Graham Greene

Most hatred is based on fear, one way or another. Yeah. I wrapped myself in anger, with a dash of hate, and at the bottom of it all was an icy center of pure terror.
– Laurell K. Hamilton

Don’t hate a person just refuse his thoughts in you.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.
– Eric Hoffer

Love is the big booming beat which covers up the noise of hate.
– Margaret Cho

We see a little bit of ourselves in everyone we despise.

Those people, who hate you, envy your freedom.
– Santosh Kalwar

No love will burst and no hate will blossom.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

I’ve seen people drown in hatred. I don’t want to go down that road. If there’s a problem, I’ll address it. Respectfully.

The best love you can offer is to offer the unacceptable love, the best hate you can offer is to offer the acceptable hate.
– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

We are nearer loving those who hate us, than those who love us more than we desire.
– Francois de La Rochefoucauld

We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.
– Jonathan Swift

I have so much hate that it has turned into love.
– Margaret Cho

Love repels hate.

I do not really say l hate, for hate is not something to be proud off.

Hatred is something that takes a lot of time to recover or may be not. It depends upon one’s attitude.

To truly hate is an art one learns with time.
– Carlos Ruiz Zafon

You lose a lot of time, hating people.
– Marian Anderson

No matter how much you hate or how much you suffer, you can’t bring the dead back to life.
– Watsuki Nobuhiro

Love is blind; hate is deaf.

Take care that no one hates you justly.
– Publilius Syrus

Hate cages all the good things about you.
– Terri Guillemets

Hatreds are the cinders of affection.
– Walter Raleigh

Hate will only eat the truth, then spit out a lie.
– Anthony Liccione

Hatred is a cold fire, and it gives no warmth.
– Laurell K. Hamilton

I get up an hour earlier and go to bed an hour later just to hate you a little more.

Hatred makes us all ugly.
– Laurell K. Hamilton

End discrimination. Hate everybody.
– Elle Eden

Hatred is one long wait.
– Rene Maran

Hate is more lasting than dislike.
– Adolf Hitler

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