Jealousy Quotes | Sayings about Envy | Jealousy Unmasked

I keep my head held high and smile, because there are people who will kill to see me fall.

An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness & truth.”
Boy: “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”
Old man: “The one you feed.”

Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy because they’re the ones who think you’re better than them.

Smile and grow in front of your haters. It kills them.

Jealously is a disease…get well soon!!!!

Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. It’s their fear, their jealously, their boredom, and their insecurity.

Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.

Jealousy releases anger and anger is the greatest and the ultimate enemy that can forever determine your judgement and ultimately withhold your destiny.

Jealousy is a terrible disease…Get well soon!

A jealous woman does better research than the FBI.

People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you.
– Dennis E. Adonis

Love me or hate me I’m still gonna shine.

Jealousy is a terrible thing…hating me won’t make you pretty!

I’m Sorry.
Sometimes I get jealous thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could. I guess it’s my insecurities acting up. Because I know I’m not the prettiest, smartest, or most fun and exciting. But I do know that no matter how and long you look; you’ll never find somebody that loves you like I do.

Don’t think that someone else is more blessed than you are, because we are blessed in different ways.

When guys get jealous it can be kinda cute. When girls get jealous World War III is about to start.

Jealousy is the best compliment you can receive!

Insecurity is an ugly thing, it makes you hate people you don’t even know.

– a sign of insecurity
– a sign of weakness
– a sign of obsession

Envy me, rate me, bottom line: You aren’t me

I don’t have haters, just fans in denial.

Don’t let jealousy fool you. It’s just another name for insecurity

Remember: people only rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun & tired of their shade.

Isn’t it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?
– Sean Covey

It’s sad how some people are so jealous and intimidated by you that they only have negative things to say when they know absolutely nothing about you.

Jealousy is just a lack of self confidence.

Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few of us still remaining with noble hearts.
– Anna Godbersen

Haters only hate the people they can’t have or the people they can’t be.

A guy is only insecure about losing his girl when he knows someone else can treat her better.

Jealousy weakens life. Like the ice-cube in sun-light.

Jealousy is the cousin of greed. We seem to focus on what we want and lose sight of what we really need.

Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you.

There are no pretty people in the eyes of jealousy.

You dream it, I did it, You’re jealous admit it!

Thanks to all of you who talk bad about me thanks for making me the center of attention.

People like to bring up your past when your present and future look better than theirs.

Dear haters, don’t criticize me for my flaws and mistakes when you can’t even see your own.

Jealousy is a waste of emotions!

Pay close attention to people who don’t clap when you win.
– Leonardo DiCaprio

Call me what you want, I’ll just call you jealous.

I let my haters be my motivators.

When you missed what you aimed that doesn’t mean nobody else cannot get it right, don’t hate them, don’t be jealous. Instead try to make friend with them and learn how to get it right.

Haters are secret admirers.

Most people just want to see you fall, that’s more reason to stand tall.
– Emma Michelle

Haters don’t really hate you. They hate themselves because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be. Poor, confused people.

People will hate on you because you got something they want.

If someone has something bad to say about you, it’s probably because they have nothing good to say about themselves.

A jealous husband does not doubt his wife, but himself.

Nothing brings on jealousy like laughter.
– Françoise Sagan

It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.
– Lawrence Durrell

Jealousy is a good indication that you are doing things the right way. People never get jealous of losers.

A person hates you for 1 of 3 reasons. 1) They want to be you. 2) They hate themselves. 3) They see you as a threat.

A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
– Robert A. Heinlein

You just hate me ’cause you ain’t me.

Jealousy is the fear of comparison.
– Max Frisch

When People Try Bringing You Down In Life, It’s Only Because You’re Above Them.

Look at me and look at you. Now tell me, hunnie, who is jealous? Me or you?.

Haters will see you walk on water and say its because you can’t swim.

Cheers to my haters, there is so much more to come!!!

She’s jealous because she’s afraid you’ll find someone prettier, smarter, taller, skinnier, calmer, stronger, and better than her.

Understand: people will constantly attack you in life. One of their main weapons will be to instill in you doubts about yourself – your worth, your abilities, your potential. They will often disguise this as their objective opinion, but invariably…they want to keep you down.
– Robert Greene

When in a relationship, a real man doesn’t make his woman jealous of others, he makes others jealous of his woman.
– Steve Maraboli

Respect your haters, they’re the ones who think you’re better than them.

Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you.

I get jealous every time someone else hugs you, because for a second, they are holding my world.

Dismissing another’s achievement is an ideal strategy for excusing your own failure.
– Alan Robert Neal

The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
– William Penn

Don’t worry yourself much about jealous people. Those who are jealous of you they will never take what you are good at away from you.

Envy suggests inferiority.
– Wayne Gerard Trotman

Jealousy is and ugly trait. Hating me isn’t gonna make you pretty.

You mostly don’t have haters of you, but mostly you have haters of your success.

Haters really don’t have their own lives actually. Why? Because they are so focused to live in yours.

Jealous people want to see you do good, but never better than them.

Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.

If you’re not doing better than the person you’re talking about, I suggest you STFU!

No one remembers the good you’ve done or are still doing, but always reminds you & others of the hand full of mistakes you’ve made.

You know you’re awesome when people you don’t even know hate you.

People lie, things change, boyfriends cheat, friends ditch and there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.

If you have to make somebody else look bad to make yourself look good. Then maybe you’re the problem.

Oh! How bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes.
– William Shakespeare

Whatever you do, if you are successful, do not let the haters cut you. When you start bleeding, there will be hungry wolves out to come get you and will attempt to take your true talent.

Never spoil what you have now by desiring what you don’t have, because what you have now is one among the many things you once prayed for.

Jealousy only eats up your beauty. Have more faith in yourself, you got something that other people don’t.

If you pay too much attention to hate, they win…they bring you down. Too much love in the world to deal with that nonsense. Be positive.
– Justin Bieber

I don’t give anyone a reason to Hate me.
They Create their own little Drama of pure Jealousy

A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy. Its always nice to know someones afraid to lose you.

People call it “jealousy” I call it “fear of losing you”.

People will wish you all the success in the world, and then they hate you when you get it.

Do not spoil other peoples lives with a lie, when you know that yours can be destroyed with the truth.

Don’t mess with someone else’s relationship just because you can’t get one.

The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.
– Bette Midler

Jealousy is indeed a poor medium to secure love, but it is a secure medium to destroy one’s self- respect.
– Emma Goldman

Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.
– Fulton J. Sheen

If you don’t like me, why do you waste your time making fun of me?

When a person always have something negative to say…
They’re secretly jealous of you…

Whoever envies another confesses his superiority.
– Samuel Johnson

Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.
– Elizabeth Bowen

He that is not jealous is not in love.
– St. Augustine

Envy blinds men and makes it impossible for them to think clearly.
– Malcolm X

Sometimes you need to let people feel important by disliking you. It’s their little happiness.
– Shah Rukh Khan

Jealousy is when you count someone else’s blessings instead of yours.

It’s okay, I’d be jealous too.

Jealousy of others towards me had made me much more stronger than I was! You have showed me that there’s something in me for you to be jealous of! Thank you for making me realize my talents. I love all my haters!.

Jealousy: Tormenting yourself, for fear you should be tormented by another.

Behind every successful man lies a park of haters.

True confidence leaves no room for jealousy.
When you know you are Great, you have no need to hate.

Never compare yourself with others for you will become vain and bitter. There will always be greater or lesser persons than yourself.

Jealousy and love are sisters.
– Russian Proverb

When you’re blessed, the haters come out. When you wear God’s blessings well, don’t be surprised if it draws jealousy out on people.

Someone else’s success does not rob you of anything.

It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered.
– Aeschylus

You’re going to piss a lot of people off when you start doing what’s best for you.

If you find your friend or neighbors have a successful life, don’t look on the negative side and don’t let them down.
Instead, look up and learn from them, how they reached success.
Sooner you will see yourself on the same level, being successful one.

Your stupid taunts cannot fade my shine.

Jealousy is the final realization that your life’s a mess, so you start envying others.

O! beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.
– William Shakespeare

To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter.
– F. Sagan

Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
– Carrie Fisher

Haters are just confused admirers.

Heart-stopping envy is the sincerest form of flattery.
– Anna Godbersen

You have to remember something: Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn.
– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sometimes people in your life will try to expose what’s wrong with you because they can’t handle what’s right with you!

You can only be jealous of someone who has something you think you ought to have yourself.
– Margaret Atwood

Plain women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women never are. They are always so occupied with being jealous of other women’s husbands.
– Oscar Wilde

Envy shoots at others and wounds itself.
– English proverb

The fire of envy consumes the body, and excessive jealousy is like a raging fire.

Jealousy is for the weak.

Jealousy is the weapon of Distrust.
– Michelle Geaney

Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment.

Our purest form of joy comes when people we envy get hurt. That most genuine form of joy.
– Chuck Palahniuk

Envy is ignorance.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.
– Josh Billings

People only love to bring up your past when they’re threatened by your present.

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.
– Buddha

Greed, desire, ambition, jealousy, possessiveness, domination – you have to watch everything. And they are all interconnected, remember. If greed disappears, then anger will disappear. If anger disappears, jealousy will disappear. If jealousy disappears, violence will disappear. If violence disappears, possessiveness will disappear. They are all intertwined. In fact, they are spokes of the same wheel, and the hub that supports them all is the ego. So watch the ways of the ego. Watching, watching, watching… one day suddenly it is not there. Only the watcher is left. That moment of pure watching is the moment of transformation.
– Osho

The truest mark of being born with great qualities is being born without envy.
– François de La Rochefoucauld

If others are Jealous,
you are doing something RIGHT

Jealousy… is a mental cancer.
– B.C. Forbes

The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.
– Baltasar Gracian

Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has.
– Elizabeth O’Connor

A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy.
– Jean Baudrillard

Some people have so much hate, envy and jealousy in their system that they will talk about and dog their best friends behind their back. They will stop coming around you until they need you, but will go to church every Sunday clapping, shouting and acting like they’re the best Christian in the world. God doesn’t like ugly.

The more you are jealous of me the more I feel sorry for you! Jealousy would only bring yourself bitter sadness !! The more you get rid of it the more you are contented!

Jealousy is a rather enjoyable emotion to watch.
– Chetan Bhagat

Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.
– Harold Coffin

If envy were a fever, all the world would be ill.
– Danish proverb

People who constantly live to bring you down, are the ones who envy you secretly.

Sir, I did not count your glasses of wine, why should you number up my cups of tea?
– Samuel Johnson

If you are good at whatever you do some people will always be jealous. Take it as a positive thing and keep on doing good.

Jealousy is love in competition.
– Toba Beta

Being good at something is not someone’s fault. It’s merely a gift. Gifts should be cherished, not envied and put down.

And oft, my jealousy shapes faults that are not.
– William Shakespeare

Jealousy lives upon doubts. It becomes madness or ceases entirely as soon as we pass from doubt to certainty.
– Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility – because love cannot exist where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because love exists only when all the negative elements of the mind are dropped. It is very arduous.
– Osho

As iron is eaten by rust, so are the envious consumed by envy.
– Antisthenes

Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; the hell of heaven; and the most bitter of the emotions because associated with the sweetest.
– A.R. Orage

Pity is for the living, envy is for the dead.
– Mark Twain

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
– Regina Brett

Comparison is a very foolish attitude, because each person is unique and incomparable. Once this understanding settles in you, jealousy disappears.
– Osho

In the East a man becomes divine only when he is no longer jealous, a man is thought to be enlightened only when he is no longer jealous. Jealousy is a by-product of the ego and when the ego disappears jealousy disappears. You cannot offend a buddha. Whatsoever you do you cannot offend him.
– Osho

Jealousy is a green eyed Monster
and you look like one when you act that way.

To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is, a dissatisfaction with self
– Joan Didion

Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.
– Maya Angelou

If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound, and you are feeling jealous – because without jealousy there can be no condemnation. You condemn people because somehow, somewhere, unconsciously you feel they are enjoying themselves and you have missed.
– Osho

I am hated by those, those who know that I am better than them.

Because of jealousy you are in constant suffering; you become mean to others. And because of jealousy you start becoming phony, because you start pretending. You start pretending things that you don’t have, you start pretending things which you CAN’T have, which are not natural to you. You become more and more artificial. Imitating others, competing with others, what else can you do? If somebody has something and you don’t have it, and you don’t have a natural possibility of having it, the only way is to have some cheap substitute for it.
– Osho

Few men have the Natural strength to honour a friend’s success without envy.
– Aeschylus

Inferiority is what you enjoy in your best friends.
– Lord Chesterfield

When you tell people “I started my own business!”
You Get 4 Likes and 2 Comments
When You Tell People “I Got The Job!”
You Get 800 Likes 133 Congratulation Comments

Jealousy is a sickness
get Well soon

Envy is for people who don’t have the self-esteem to be jealous.
– Benson Bruno

Envy can be a positive motivator. Let it inspire you to work harder for what you want.

Jealousy is an awkward homage which inferiority renders to merit.

Being jealous is never an assurance that you could be better.

Don’t waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind.
– Mary Schmich

Jealousy is just a sign that you really love the person

Envy slays itself by its own arrows.

Jealousy is one of the wickedest of all the passions. It is that which has been the most fruitful mother of tragedies, murders, and wars. But reprehensible though it is, jealousy is almost rather to be pitied than blamed-its first victims are those who harbor the feeling.
– Arthur Lynch

Envy comes from people’s ignorance of, or lack of belief in, their own gifts.
– Jean Vanier

Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.
– John Dryden

Calamities are of two kinds: misfortune to ourselves, and good fortune to others.
– Ambrose Bierce

Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but Jealousy sees the sharpest for it is love and hate at the same time.
– Arab Proverb

She speaks ill of me because I am better than her.

A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend.
if she doesn’t get jealous when someone has your attention it’s because someone has hers.

Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.
– Paul Eldridge

Jealousy injures us with the dagger of self-doubt.
– Terri Guillemets

Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.
– Havelock Ellis

We human beings are what we have been for millions of years – colossally greedy, envious, aggressive, jealous, anxious and despairing, with occasional flashes of joy and affection.
– Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves.
– Joseph Addison

Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point – that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative – self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it’s a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them.
– Jennifer James

It is in the character of very few people to honour a prosperous friend without envy, and these very few people tend to become best friends.
– Ruwayda Mustafah Rabar

O jealousy! thou magnifier of trifles.
– Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller

Jealousy is the great exaggerator.

Never waste jealousy on a real man: it is the imaginary man that supplants us all in the long run.
– George Bernard Shaw

If you are a genius, do not expect anybody to declare it.

Envy is the most stupid of vices, for there is no single advantage to be gained from it.
– Honore de Balzac

Jealousy sees things always with magnifying glasses which make little things large, of dwarfs giants, of suspicions truths.
– Miguel de Cervantes

Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip, and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love. One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and one’s life becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will come in search of you. This is my observation, that god always comes seeking the true seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears.
– Osho

Envy lurks at the bottom of the human heart like a viper in its hole.
– Honoré de Balzac

You talk it, we live it, You’re Jealous ADMIT IT.

I’ve spent most of my life walking under that hovering cloud, jealousy, whose acid raindrops blurred my vision and burned holes in my heart. Once I learned to use the umbrella of confidence, the skies cleared up for me and the sunshine called joy became my faithful companion.
– Astrid Alauda

Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love.
– George Eliot

It is never wise to seek or wish for another’s misfortune. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang.
– Charley Reese

Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it.
– Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Jealousy is not a barometer by which the depth of love can be read, it merely records the degree of the lover’s insecurity.
– Margaret Mead

A show of envy is an insult to oneself.
– Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Jealousy hyphenates love in all the wrong places.
– Terri Guillemets

Jealousy is a crutch.
– Terri Guillemets

Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.
– Francois de La Rochefoucauld

She speaks ill of me because I am better than her.

In jealousy there is more self-love than love.
– Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the brightness of another’s prosperity, like the scorpion confined within a circle of fire, will sting itself to death.
– Charles Caleb Colton

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