Parenting Quotes & Sayings | The Joys and Challenges

If your own child doesn’t make you grow up and change your ways, nothing ever will.


Parents who discipline their child by discussing the consequences of their actions produce children who have better moral development, compared to children whose parents use authoritarian methods and punishment.
– Simon Baron-Cohen


Parents try to teach values in conversation, but children learn more by observation.
– Adam Grant


Being the parent of a child with autism is not a challenge, it’s a journey of love and understanding.


Allowing your children to choose another meal when they don’t like what you’ve served for dinner is a sure-fire way to raise entitled, spoiled, mentally fragile kids.
– Nick Huber


The way we look at our children and their limitations is precisely the way they will feel about themselves. We set the examples, and they learn by taking our cue from us.
– Amalia Starr


When parents are too hands-on, kids fail to learn self-reliance. Instead of hovering like a helicopter parent, try submarine parenting: give kids the freedom to explore and surface if there’s a distress signal.
– Adam Grant


Negative words carry negative vibration. Positive words carry positive vibration. What do you want your child to reflect back to you, the label of disordered or the label of gifted in a new way?
– Suzy Miller


There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN do, instead of what he cannot do.
– Temple Grandin


By holding the highest vision for your child when they can not see it for themselves, you are lifting them up, elevating them and helping them to soar.
– Megan Koufos


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