Sad Quotes & Sayings | Sadness Quotes | Sad Love Quotes - Page 7

“When I do something great, no one ever seems to remember, but when I do something wrong, no one can ever seem to forget”


Always the friend but never the girl .. :(


What doesn’t kill you doesn’t always make you stronger, sometimes all it does is make you wish it did.


I miss me. The old me. The real me. The happy me. The laughing me. The smiling me. The gone me.


Dear pillow, sorry for the tears.
Dear heart, sorry for the damage.
Dear brain, I should have listened.


Life is like a video game. Only, there is no reset button.


Some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were.


You’re young until you’re not. You love until you don’t. You try until you can’t. You laugh until you cry. You cry until you laugh. And everyone must breathe. Until their dying breath.
I may be smiling, but inside im dieing, holding back the tears I can no longer cry.


Sometimes memories are better forgotten. Sometimes they’re not, but over time you seem to lose them.
But sometimes, even though some memories are too hard to even bear, you want to hold on to the BAD and the GOOD memories. Cause in the end, you realize there was a reason for all that misery, that it resulted in happiness.


The worst feeling is pretending you don’t care about something, when it’s all you seem to think about.


Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, But silence breaks the heart


Tired of trying, sick of crying,
yeahh, I’m smiling, but inside I’m dying
cause of what you did to me. =)


Laugh, and the world laughs with you…cry, and you cry alone.
Unknown author


I searched the 4 corners of the world for love.
Only to find it’s a friggin’ circle.


Memories are wonderful to make, but sometimes painful to remember depending on what they are.


No matter how loves ends, it always finds a way to end with a tear.


My pain turned to sadness and my sadness to anger. My anger grew into hate and I have forgotten how to smile.


Why do I have to let the rest of the world know I’m okay when I’m not?


Nothing is more depressing than despite the fact of having it all but still feeling empty.


I fell in love with you when you where forming in my womb, an now I carry you in my heart instead of my arms. <3


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