Khushwant Singh Quotes

Sex is of real interest to every human being and so why gloss over it, and it’s fun, it’s interesting, it has so many dimensions.
– Khushwant Singh


Morality is a matter of money. Poor people cannot afford to have morals. So they have religion.
– Khushwant Singh


Love is an elusive concept and means different things to different people.
– Khushwant Singh


The last to learn of gossip are the parties concerned.
– Khushwant Singh


Freedom is for the educated people who fought for it. We were slaves of the English, now we will be slaves of the educated Indians – or the Pakistanis.
– Khushwant Singh


The philosophy of religion has always been death-oriented instead of being life-oriented.
– Khushwant Singh


India is constipated with a lot of humbug. Take religion. For the Hindu, it means little besides caste and cow-protection. For the Muslim, circumcision and kosher meat. For the Sikh, long hair and hatred of the Muslim. For the Christian, Hinduism with a sola topee. For the Parsi, fire-worship and feeding vultures. Ethics, which should be the kernel of a religious code, has been carefully removed.
– Khushwant Singh


Indians do not believe in privacy; they are a nosey people and the one thing they will not do is mind their own business.
– Khushwant Singh


I am alone, but never lonely. You have always books around you.
– Khushwant Singh


Under the circumstances the only honest answer an intelligent person can give to the question “Is there a God?” is to say, “I do not know”.
– Khushwant Singh


In a country which had accepted caste distinctions for many centuries, inequality had become an inborn mental concept.
– Khushwant Singh


There is no wine in the world as heady as applause; and it has the same effect. It temporarily subdues anxiety and restores confidence.
– Khushwant Singh


I think the sense of belonging does give you a certain amount of mental satisfaction.
– Khushwant Singh


I don’t want to be cremated, I want to be buried. I don’t believe in wasting wood and I feel that one should give back to the earth.
– Khushwant Singh


In America, they make a lot of fuss over little things.
– Khushwant Singh


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