Shah Rukh Khan Quotes

Shah Rukh Khan, also known by the initialism SRK, is an Indian actor, film producer, and television personality.

A moment will come when there isn’t anything that’s going right. But don’t panic. With a little embarrassment, you will survive it. All you have to do is make a move and move on a bit.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Sometimes you need to let people feel important by disliking you. It’s their little happiness.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Whenever I fail as a father or husband… a toy and a diamond always works.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Study hard. Work hard. Play harder. Don’t be bound by rules, don’t hurt anybody and never ever live somebody else’s dream.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Don’t ever treat your little insanities as if they are aberrations that ought to be hidden from the rest of the world.
– Shah Rukh Khan


It’s okay to be confused. Confusion is the route to all clarity in the world.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Whenever you’re feeling down..And I am not around let the sight of me be the reason you smile.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Don’t let your fears become boxes that enclose you. Open them out, feel them, and turn them into the greatest courage you are capable of.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Art is more important than the artist – have no attachment to your own art. It is regressive, move on.
– Shah Rukh Khan


When you get to be 50, you will know that the bulk of your regrets are from not having done what you wished to do.
– Shah Rukh Khan


You can love me or hate me but.. you can’t ignore me.
– Shah Rukh Khan


If you aren’t charged up about doing something, if you don’t have what in Hindi we call the “Josh”, the fire in your belly for it, then don’t do it.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can’t escape it.
– Shah Rukh Khan


If you want to become something, achieve something in life, then always listen to your heart.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Stand by what you believe in. People who mind won’t matter and people who matter won’t mind it.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Money is a good thing to run after. It is very important to be financially stable but you have to keep your wrongs and rights in mind. Don’t shy away from earning but without selling your soul.
– Shah Rukh Khan


When I think back on it, of course, I got lucky and got great directors and good breaks but all that was the physical part. But what made me a star was that I could take a chance and not have anything to worry about in terms of losing.
– Shah Rukh Khan


Don’t become a philosopher before you become rich.
– Shah Rukh Khan


There might come a time when you feel lonely. That is when your creativity will be like your best friend.
– Shah Rukh Khan


There is only one religion in the world – hard work.
– Shah Rukh Khan


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