Helen Rowland Quotes

Flirting is the gentle art of making a man feel pleased with himself.
– Helen Rowland


It takes one woman twenty years to make a man of her son – and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.
– Helen Rowland


When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign that they don’t understand one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to.
– Helen Rowland


A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run – Sit still and ignore him and he’ll come purring at your feet.
– Helen Rowland


Life begins at 40 – but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times.
– Helen Rowland


Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he’ll fall asleep before you finish saying it.
– Helen Rowland


To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
– Helen Rowland


When you see a married couple walking down the street, the one that’s a few steps ahead is the one that’s mad.
– Helen Rowland


A man’s desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world.
– Helen Rowland


Nowadays love is a matter of chance, matrimony a matter of money and divorce a matter of course.
– Helen Rowland


Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest.
– Helen Rowland


When a girl marries, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one.
– Helen Rowland


The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn’t commit when he had the opportunity.
– Helen Rowland


Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.
– Helen Rowland


The honeymoon is not actually over until we cease to stifle our yawns

– Helen Rowland


A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth – and endures all the rest.
– Helen Rowland


You will never win if you never begin.
– Helen Rowland


A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it.
– Helen Rowland


A wise woman puts a grain of sugar in everything she says to a man, and takes a grain of salt with everything he says to her.
– Helen Rowland


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