Robert Greene Quotes

Never make this mistake of thinking that you elevate yourself by humiliating people.
– Robert Greene


Understand: people will constantly attack you in life. One of their main weapons will be to instill in you doubts about yourself – your worth, your abilities, your potential. They will often disguise this as their objective opinion, but invariably…they want to keep you down.
– Robert Greene


Hesitation puts obstacles in your path, boldness eliminates them.
– Robert Greene


Never whine, never complain, never try to justify yourself.
– Robert Greene


Being attacked is a sign that you are important enough to be a target. You should relish the attention and the chance to prove yourself.
– Robert Greene


Without enemies around us, we grow lazy. An enemy at our heels sharpens our wits, keeping us focused and alert. It is sometimes better, then, to use enemies as enemies rather than transforming them into friends or allies.
– Robert Greene


Once you learn patience, your options suddenly expand.
– Robert Greene


Without a worthy opponent, a man or group cannot grow stronger.
– Robert Greene


Learn to question yourself: Why this anger or resentment? Where does this incessant need for attention come from? Under such scrutiny, your emotions will lose their hold on you. You will begin to think for yourself instead of reacting to what others give you.
– Robert Greene


Some people’s insecurity and ego fragility cannot tolerate the slightest offense.
– Robert Greene


Real pleasure comes from overcoming challenges, feeling confidence in your abilities, and experiencing the power this brings.
– Robert Greene


Let others consult the horoscope, or read tarot cards: You have more concrete means of seeing into the future.
– Robert Greene


Learn to deflect envy by drawing attention away from yourself. Develop your sense of self-worth from internal standards and not incessant comparisons.
– Robert Greene


Fear will make you overestimate the enemy and act too defensively.
– Robert Greene


The very desire to find shortcuts makes you eminently unsuited for any kind of mastery.
– Robert Greene


Constantly look for challenges, pushing past your comfort zone.
– Robert Greene


Many a serious thinker has been produced in prisons, where we have nothing to do but think.
– Robert Greene


The sense of having enemies or doubters can serve as a powerful motivating device and fill you with an added creative energy and focus.
– Robert Greene


Too many people believe that everything must be pleasurable in life, which makes them constantly search for distractions and short-circuits the learning process.
– Robert Greene


Enter new waters.
– Robert Greene


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