It’s Too Late.

DownUp +2

I know who I am, but no thanks to you.
It was all him, who taught me the truth.
You were gone, nowhere in sight.
Then I met him, everything turned bright.
I grew up never knowing you, never wanting to.
Because I had him, I was just fine without you.
This is the truth, for I would not lie.
That is a promise I do comply.
You are not my father, nor will you ever be.
I have someone who has always been there for me.
Don’t try to care now because it is too late;
you had sixteen years but now, for you,
my heart is full of hate.
He is my father and has been since I was five,
I know that I can count on him until the end of time.
He will be the one walking me down the aisle;
The one who will be called grandpa when I have a child.
I hope you are happy with the decision you’ve made;
No go to your new family, you have a life to retain.


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