
DownUp +16

Mummy mummy,
Please don’t get mad,
I know what i did will make you so sad,
I went to the water even though you said “No”,
The water was fast i tried not to let go,
I was swept under the water,
I needed a breath,
Then daddy was crying and pumping my chest,
I’m sorry daddy i know you tried,
I love you mummy, Love you forever
Goodbye for now, But not Forever…

2 comments about this post

  • desiree says:

    aww that was sooo sad why did she die and why did it have to happened like that???!!

  • mishdoc says:

    That made the hairs on the back of my neck bristle. Writing from the child’s ‘passed’ perspective was oddly more credible & so much more telling.
    If written from experience my heart goes out to you all & thank you for sharing.


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