Princess Love

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Love can make you stupid,
Love can make you blind,
Love is like a waterfall flowing through your mind.

You think you’ll never find it,
So you settle for a bit,
Then suddenly you encounter a love that does exist.

I thought love at first sight was a fable,
Not me, surely not, I’m not able,
Then came the day, I met my angel.

I still can’t believe how good this feels,
Still taking it all in, bit-by-bit,
It’s hard to comprehend, I’ll admit.

A disgruntled lonely fool, who’s dreams had been flattened,
I’m so thankful and happy that this has happened,
You brought a joy to my life I could never imagine.

You’re my honey, my lovely, my princess, my friend,
I love you so much and always will,
Until the very end…


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