The girl of my dreams

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In all my years i can not say
That a girl has took my breath away
I always her to hold her close
But letting her go is what hurts the most

The Smile That i live to see
Her eyes that look right through me
I hide the feelings that i keep
But they won’t hide when i go to sleep

Dreams of her when she’s with me
In a room full of girls but she’s all i see
Then a slow song starts to play
And people move and make a way

She takes my hands for a slow dance
I think this is my only chance
She puts her head against my chest
As we move together like the rest

Soon the room gets really bright
I look down and she’s the shining light
She picks up her head and looks at me
Soon her eyes are all i can see

I run my fingers through her hair
And soon life is without a care
She leans in as if to kiss
Then she fades to a blurry mist

Soon everything is falling around
There is no noise and there is no sounds
I open my eyes and there is the light
I dreamt of her again that night

Afraid to get up out of bed
Having thoughts run through my head
Another thought runs through it seems
But now i found the girl of my dreams.


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