Finally Free

DownUp +23

I loved him dearly, more than I loved myself.
It’s supposed to be this way, he said it was for my own health.
But as I got older it just didn’t feel right.
With him taking pictures, rubbing and touching me all night.
Then I told him to stop or that I would tell.
That’s when my whole life was turned into a living hell.

No more outside, no more seeing the light of day.
When people came over he said I’d had moved away.
He locked the doors, beat me up and took away my food.
He had his way with me, the worst was when he was in a good mood.
He said that he loved me and hoped I understood.
He promised I wouldn’t get away but I just knew I would.

One night he was drunk and left the door cracked.
I busted out of there running and didn’t look back.
I was so happy that for the first time in years I saw light.
And now that I broke away I can start a new life.
I planned to forget my past and what he did to me.
Because for the first time in my life I was finally free.

One comment about this post

  • Christie says:

    wow…this one gave me goosebumps…My friend went through some thing very similar..I do believe this will touch his heart in many ways..thank you for opening my eyes even more to the pain he has felt in his life


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